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Radiolocation Systems ResearchTM

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CST - Computer Simulation Technology

Вторник, 22 декабря 2009
Computer Simulation Technology (CST), today announces winners of the CST University Publication Award 2009.

The CST University Publication Award is an annual grant to university institutes and researchers for their work in the application of 3D EM field simulation. The winners are awarded with extensions to their CST STUDIO SUITE installations.

Prerequisites for participation are that the papers are authored or co-authored by university researchers, published either in scientific journals or conference proceedings, and the numerical results are entirely or in part obtained through simulation using CST software products.

Вторник, 29 сентября 2009
CST previews CST STUDIO SUITE™ 2010, including a new solver module for electrically large structures at EuMW, booth # 527.

Engineers who are confronted with electromagnetic problems will benefit from CST’s latest software release, CST STUDIO SUITE™ version 2010, and its multitude of powerful new solver options, features and functionality.

Thanks to CST’s complete technology concept, which offers different solution options within one design environment, a wide range of MW&RF applications can be analyzed without leaving the familiar, easy-to-use interface. CST has further extended its range of high frequency solvers in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO®, this time adding an asymptotic solver. This solver is based on the Shooting Bouncing Ray method, an extension to physical optics, and is capable of tackling simulations with an electric size of many thousands of wavelengths such as radar cross section analysis.

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AWR Corporation

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GuidesArray Rectangular 0.2.14

GuidesArray Rectangular™ позволяет быстро провести инженерные расчеты двумерных фазированных антенных решеток прямоугольных волноводов на электродинамическом уровне.


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